Healthy Aging

How to Age-Proof Your Eyes

The effects of aging go beyond gray hair and wrinkled skin. A popular victim of the aging process is the eyes. Common age-related eye conditions include cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration. At Eye Wellness Center in Bellaire, we know that you can't change your genetic disposition to conditions like glaucoma. However, there are certainly things you can do to ensure that your eyes age more gracefully. 


Quit Smoking

Smoking increases your risk of developing ARMD by up to four times. It also increases the risk for other conditions, like cataracts, that can affect your vision.

The Sun is Not Your Eyes' Friend

Sunshine is good, but not so good for your eyes. That's why protecting your eyes against UV rays is essential when you go outside. You can purchase UV-blocking sunglasses and wear a wide-brimmed hat while in the sun

Watch What You Eat

What you consume has a direct impact on your eye health. For instance, eating foods with too much added sugar increases your risk of eye conditions like diabetic retinopathy. On the other hand, some foods can promote your eye health. Foods like citrus fruits, leafy greens, and whole grains are rich in nutrients that are good for your eyes.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation affects your eye health negatively. You need at least five hours of sleep per night to replenish your eyes' health. If you go a long time without sleep, you might start noticing symptoms like eye strain and dry eye. Turn off blue lights like your smartphone or laptop before bed for a better night's sleep. If you must use those devices before bedtime, use features like bedtime mode. Taking off your contact lenses before bed is essential to ensure that your eyes get enough oxygen.

Stay Hydrated

Your eyes rely on water – in the form of tears – to stay lubricated. The tears remove bacteria and other small particles that might enter the eyes. When your body is dehydrated, there won't be enough water to lubricate the eyes. That might lead to the eyes becoming itchy and scratchy. That's why drinking at least eight glasses of water every day is essential. Cutting down on alcohol and caffeine and switching to a low-sodium diet also helps.

Visit an Eye Doctor Regularly

Most people wait until their eyes develop problems to visit an optometrist. However, that should not be the case. Visit one of our eye doctors in Bellaire annually to keep your eyes healthy. That way, we can catch the early warning signs of conditions like glaucoma. Kickstart your eye health routine by visiting Eye Wellness Center. We strive to provide state-of-the-art eye care services. Your eye wellness begins here. Get in touch with us at (832) 955-8162 to book an appointment or for any eye care-related inquiries.

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