Pink Eye

Pink Eye Treatment

If you woke up this morning with a sticky, red, itchy, sore eye, there's a good chance you're dealing with conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as pink eye. This common condition can go away on its own but it can benefit from professional treatment. The ophthalmology team at Neuro-Ophthalmology of Texas at Eye Wellness Center in Houston, TX, is here to help with an “ophthalmologist near me” on their team. 

Pink Eye

Symptoms of Pink Eye

Different people might experience pink eye in different ways. Common symptoms of pink eye include water eyes, red eyes, itchy eyes, and a feeling of soreness both within the eyeball and the eyelid. You may find that your pink eye symptoms are worse in the morning and fade throughout the day.

What Causes Pink Eye?

There are several causes of pink eye. Some pink eye cases are viral, while others are bacterial. Eye irritation from eye allergies can also lead to pink eyes over time.

Pink Eye Treatment in Houston, TX

When you visit your eye doctor with pink eye symptoms, she'll ask you some questions to determine whether your pink eye is viral or bacterial. Your eye doctor might recommend that you take advantage of home treatments to provide comfort, including warm and cold compresses, getting rest, and using eye drops to relieve discomfort.

If your pink eye is bacterial, you may need antibiotic eye drops to get rid of your symptoms. It's important that you follow the full course of antibiotics, even if your symptoms begin to go away before the end of your course of treatment.

No matter what type of pink eye you have, it's important that you wash your hands regularly and throw away disposable contact lenses used during the time that you had symptoms.

Get Eye Allergies, Eye Infection, and Eye Injury from an Ophthalmologist

If you have an eye infection, eye injury, or are simply in need of a visit to the eye doctor to renew your glasses or contact lens prescription, the team at Eye Wellness Center of Houston, TX, is here to help. Reach out to them today to set up an appointment so they can fit you in as soon as possible. They look forward to getting to know you. Call (713) 942-2187 for an “ophthalmologist near me” on an ophthalmology team.


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9:00 am - 4:00 pm
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9:00 am - 4:00 pm
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